Are you wondering what could be a safe, COVID secure yet extremely fun activity to do in Liverpool? Well, it’s Breakout!

With the current restrictions in place, Liverpool doesn’t seem like a very fun place to be right
now… However, here at Breakout we believe that people can follow all the rules and still enjoy
themselves by playing one of our rooms! We are asked all the time about the measures we’ve
put in place to keep everyone safe, and this blog post will outline exactly why Breakout is one of
the safest activities out there at the moment!
First of all, the recommended group sizes for our rooms is perfect for your household or support
bubble, we allow between 2 and 5 players in our rooms so you’ll never be with anyone other
than the people you arrive with. We have also staggered the times that all of our games run
throughout the day to ensure there’s a minimal chance that you’ll come into contact with any
other group, and we’ve added a door buzzer at the entrance of the building so we can monitor
exactly who enters and when. So far this has been really successful, and most groups arrive,
play, and leave without ever even seeing another group of players!
As well as measures taken to keep our customers separated, we’ve introduced rules to keep
our staff separated too! As anyone who has visited before might know, we have an upstairs and
a downstairs centre full of unique games! This has been extremely convenient because it
means our staff have been divided into a downstairs team and an upstairs team that aren’t
allowed to mix. This means that if one person is exposed to the virus, only half the team could
be affected, and the other half can remain open!
Staff are also given temperature checks at the beginning of every shift, and we’ve been washing
our hands and using hand sanitiser extremely regularly. When it comes to customer interaction,
we wear comfortable visors when delivering the health and safety briefs and face coverings
when we’re not in the office. Speaking of face coverings, it is now mandatory that all customers
wear face coverings (unless exempt) in all the communal areas. However, you don’t have to
wear your face covering whilst you’re inside the room playing our games!
Before and after customers play our games, we have the reassuring task of deep cleaning the
rooms. By using Zoflora and Dettol spray we are able to completely disinfect all of the props,
furniture, puzzles, padlocks, pens, chairs, tables, and everything else you can possibly think of.
But don’t worry, there’s now a 45 minute period between each game to give us enough time to
clean the rooms and for the smell of bleach to disappear! There are also sanitizing stations
situated at easily accessible points throughout the centre, meaning that customers and staff can
sanitize their hands whenever they need to.
We’ve all had to adapt to very new circumstances after the events of this year, but with positivity
and optimism we’ve risen to the task and our team are more than ready to keep our customers
safe and ensure they can still enjoy a fun day out, with a bit of escapism from the real world for
a short while!